
Prince William tapping into Kate Middleton’s ruthlessness to become King

Kate Middleton is rumored to have become something akin to Prince Harry, in regards to his ruthless and calculated front, and Prince William has reportedly been helping her along the way.

Claims like this, and the comparisons with Prince Harry have been delivered by senior editor and writer Tim Teeman.

He weighed in on everything during one of his most recent pieces for The Daily Beast.

In the eyes of the writer, “Kate and William are selling themselves just as ruthlessly and calculatedly as Harry and Meghan do”, and the only “difference is, Harry and Meghan are standing at the cash register, ready to take your money (or not), while Kate and William are standing to the side, nervously thanking you for coming to the store, ready to direct you to the cash register, if you, like, want.”

Mr Teeman later also clarified why “this selling of royalty is not new. Queen Elizabeth II did it. Prince Charles and Princess Diana did it. They all do it with their ceremonies and rituals and palaces.”

And while “the mode of that selling has shifted over the years, but the intent is still the same—this family wants the British public to continue to fund its existence, and for the rest of the world to buy into its mystique and tabloid intrigues and insane soap operas enough to keep shelling out tourist dollars to come see its palaces, and—in the territories where this still holds sway—to retain Charles, and William, and whoever comes next as their heads of state.”

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